Share Your Most Treasured Memories
# 1

Server: Asia

Family Name: xBlackFyrex


My most treasured memories is when Phantasma release, when i was starting playing the game on mid 2020, feeling overwhelm on the amount of heroes and i remember any classes i choose i still can't win on arena and i almost drop the game, but then phantasma came out and that's it i just fell inlove with the skill and animation of the attacks and it helps me to compete even in Rank arena boost my gaming experience but because of wrong choices of that time i almost empty my resources feeling frustrated about gear enchant i lost i stop playing, now i came back and enjoy the game once again, hoping i don't make the same mistakes i did last time,now that i recall all that maybe my main will back to Phantasma time will tell. haha

2023-12-03 06:26
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