Share Your Most Treasured Memories
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I was always amazed how BDM, with all its graphics, can run on mobile phones. The first time I entered the game is my most memorable  because of that reason. Ten or more years ago, I can only dream of playing such high def graphics game on pc, more so on phone. But there I was, with my phone actively engaged within the game! It took a while for me to get to know the features of the game but once I did, the next thing I did was to look for a guild. It was random suggested guild. But one guild name caught my attention, Nameless! I don't really know why it caught my attention but maybe because I want to play and explore the game world discretely. When I joined, I met a lot of wonderful people who welcomed me. Today, some already retired, some in other guilds, some coming back again. Hmmm, I can still remember their names; Elceed, DovaKiindra, heaven, rac, honeykim, badz, sec, chillgaming, datenshi, alucard, and many more. Today, I wonder how they are doing? They are my first family in BDM. For more than 1 year, we enjoyed the game with all its emotions and ups and downs. After a while, we did say farewell because of IRL reasons. But I am amazed, just because I played a graphically amazing game, I was able to have an ingame family that actually made me love the game even more.

Now, I am adopted in another guild Kopitiam. But I am blessed to experience and learn that my current guild is also like a family. As I integrate myself to the guild/family, I learn about new people and culture from different places. A chill guild at that. So when I say "most treasured memories" it has to be everyday encountering good people. Else, if it's only a few memories, I have long retired from the game. This is how I treasure memories, with the same people who love BDM even in a love-hate relationship. I think that's how we can all grow and improve. As did the game, as do the players. It's a lifestyle!

2023-12-03 04:36
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# 2
2023-12-08 08:59
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# 3
2023-12-13 02:29
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