Share Your Most Treasured Memories
# 1


A memory worth remembering. A moment that we thought would never happen.

They say it's always enough to just put in the effort. Atleast you tried. Me and my former guildmates said, we will shoot for the sky! We did!

Siege especially during the early seasons or years of BDM was hard enough for whale or dolphin guilds. More so for the likes of Alfheim, who are mostly f2p to even achieved. Despite this reality, we strived together with my Guild Leader Hashire to do the impossible. We said to oursleves that we cant call ourselves gamers and have done enough in BDM until we are able to take the Castle for even just one time. We planned, we made war and pushed ourselves to the strongest possible that we can. We made so many enemies on the way, whom many are no longer with this world. Turned some into allies, even friends. We inspired others that taking the castle isnt just a dream but can also be our reality. With this dream we pushed forward. After months of constant battles and skirmishes we found ourselves at the gates of Goyen. Foes waiting to strike fear into our hearts and make sure that we fail in our attempt. 

I tell our faithful warriors that on that day, beyond those gates Immortality waits and it is upon us to take it! and Take it we shall do!!!

We rushed head long into battle.  Courage in our hearts and victory in our minds. All those weeks and months of node wars comes into this moment and none can stop us. On that day ALFHEIM did the next thing to impossible. A free to play guild took a castle not only once but many times over. Sometimes, it's bittersweet as most of my original guildmates no longer stand beside me. Like a lonesome Valkyrie standing on the field of the dying, I feel alone. I, Gwynbleidd will always be thankful to have been there that day. To witness our efforts bear fruit. A day that will be etched in my heart and will always cherish.

Thank you everyone. Thank you Hashire, Thank you Alfheim. This guild is the good choice.


2023-12-02 08:09
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