Up and coming Guild! VlKlNGS - Mediah / American
# 1

Welcome to Valhalla! I am recruiting for a new up and coming guild "VlKlNGS" (l's not i's). Currently we have 25 active members and we are looking to expand with other experienced players. We also have a discord available for use. This is for the Mediah, American Server. If you're interesting you can always whisper me ingame as well, lRONSlDE (l's not i's). I appreciate your time and hope to see you soon! Skol!


"Trust not him whose father, brother or other kin you have slain no matter how young he be, for often grows the wolf in the child."

2021-12-15 08:47
# 2

Hi I'm interested if u can help me with my CP

2021-12-20 18:20