Family Name Change Coupon didn't work
# 1

Used the Family Name Change Coupon that was in my inventory.  It first flagged the name as "invalid" or something because there was accidentially a space at the end.  I deleted the space and it said it went through.  My Family Name is still the random letters & numbers it was prior to using the ticket.  I do not want to buy another one since it will most likely be a waste of money for a DUPLICATE item that didn't work the first time.  If you guys need to check the account, I'm signed in on this website using the same login email address for the game.  Apparently I don't even need to provide you with the family name since its listed here under my name on this post on the forums.

2022-09-28 01:22
# 2

Nevermind on the possible bug.  I just saw that changes go into effect on server reset/maintaince.  I'll update after that happens if the name change took or not

2022-10-02 14:01