Elephant into the barricades
# 1

Today 01/04/2021 during Node War in Oze's Cabin, one of the guilds were able to put the elefant into our artifact through the barricades, doing a lot of damage to it. The patch notes said that it was fixed but it stills bugged. Please fix that bug because the elephant shouldn't be able to go through barricades, and it affects the competitivity of the guilds. The elephant rider knew about the bug and exploited it, one of the members from this guild (LegendGaming/America/Kaia) confirmed it as shown in the picture where he told me how to do that bug

Description of how to do the bug

2021-04-01 19:57
# 2

The elephant entered our base more than 3 times and they destroyed our Holy Artifact very easy

2021-04-01 21:32