Camp Storage and Inventory tabs botched!
# 1
Anyone who has an active Camp Manàger will notice this bug right away. When you go to your Inventory, tap on gems or potions, then tap on the unlocked Camp Storage tab, the window resets and displays the Weapons tab. Same when you're looking at your Camp Storage and tap on Inventory, the view changes to the Weapons tab by default. It never used to be like this! Now you are inconvenienced by something which you paid to be less inconvenienced by! Please return these tabs to the way that they were. Switching from Inventory to Camp Storage shouldn't change your view of items to the Weapons page, it should not change from the view you're looking at.

Respectfully posted.
2020-10-27 11:08
# 2
Same here
2020-10-27 13:20