Accidently canceled my restore button.
# 1
Hi! Good day BDM devs. I'm sending a ticket for an incident that I encountered this morning. I just enhanced my alchemy stone (right after i woke up) going for hex but it failed. Unfortunately I accidentally canceled the restore option which leads me to buy restoration scrolls at cash shop and my pen alchemy stone returned to +0 awakened enhance since my restoration scrolls in my inventory is not enough. I'm on the process of buying restoration scrolls from the cash shop but accidentally canceled the restore button. Is there a way for my alchemy stone to be restored to pen? I always support the game by buying items thru cash shop regularly. Btw the incident happened around 9:45am - 10:15am gmt+8, October 4, 2020. Attached w/ this ticket is the photo of my alchemy stone after the incident. It will be a great relief for me if my alchemy stone will be returned back to pen (please help me😭). I hope this will be addressed. I've invested a good amount of my money for this game. Sorry for causing you inconvenience. My in-game family name is ApecxZ. Hexe server.
2020-10-03 18:42
# 2
Dear BDM/Pearl Abyss,

I accidentally cancelled the restore button when I was trying to upgrade my alchemy stone. This just happened now, around 20:35 to 20:50 (GMT+8), April 7, 2021. Now my CP is 16,056 instead of 16,304 (my sushi was already upgraded to HEP and I was trying to get to OCT when this happened, so I lost 248 CP). I worked really hard to achieve that CP thru power ups and non-stop farming. I've invested a lot of time and effort on this game ever since I started playing last December 13, 2019. I feel like crying but good thing my boyfriend (who is also playing BDM and my guild mate) taught me to do this. Please help me. 😭 I wanna keep playing and I'm really enjoying this game. I am on Hexe server and my current guild is Muspelheim. My main character is Paladin, haven't changed class since I started playing because I really like her skills. I also attached a screenshot of my account as a proof. Please, give me a chance to restore my alchemy stone. I hope you can help me. Thank you so much! 🙏

EDIT: My family name: YROVI
2021-04-07 05:14