Gladiators take down is bugged
# 1
Gladiators take down is not working properly. I have taken down, done ground bash, scars of dust and oppent has taken no damage. I have completed the taken down animation but my oppent is in the distance. Some times they are put on the ground other times not. Sometimes oppents can instantly recover from a take down before I can get an attack in. Sometimes I can't take down an oppent that is on the ground it misses even though they are at my feet. Take downs cool down time is too long. Take down is very important to gladiators please fix the problem.
2020-06-12 09:52
# 2
That's desync and it's been here since the released of ranked arena..ger used to it. Looks like they don't even care to fix that
2020-06-12 11:19