Special boss pass rates...bogus?
# 1
I’m no math wiz, but 1.1 mil x 3k percent is more than 2.1 mil just silver wise, and so on. That barely comes out to x2 and it falls a little short silver wise, while gold coins is about x3, mind you I have all boss knowledge levels maxed at the 50 level cap (#nolifethankscovid).

Completed it using an alt, same thing, I didn’t get hardly anymore more using a “special” pass as opposed to a regular one, while the drop ratio using 500-750 regular passes to get 1-3 “special” passes.

Why are these a thing? If you aren’t going to get what is promised why is this even a thing at all if it makes little difference loot wise? If this is a bug please fix this and if it isnt, I’m going to be getting some refunds here shortly.
2020-04-29 13:39
# 2
It shows that your boss multiplier is only 1 and not 11 as it should be when using combat plus and lvl 50 knowledge. It seems that it has made an error while calculating your 11x as only 1x. It might be that the special loot multiplier takes over and its not multiplicative as you would wish. I've known it to give out over 50,000% up to 250,000%. Maybe its just extremely rare and having a special boss rush doesnt guarentee sht.
2020-04-29 15:07
# 3
How about multiple times turning in 1600 or more tickets and getting no special boss rush tickets I'm fed up with this fúcking company and thinking about refunding the nearly 1500 bucks I've put into it over 2 accounts for me and my gf everything about this game is a cash grab it took me 5x as much to get the things that new players are getting left right and center during this stupid shíttaco rate up event I spent a million gold coin for 2 one slot oj gear are you kidding me when new accounts are getting red drops like crazy and I can't get a single red drop with a million gold coin during a rate up event and these guys don't listen to anyone don't respond to anyone forums are for show total joke
2020-05-18 20:55
# 4
And that's just the start I got a million fucked up things like that of how about goblin stat in relic alter not applying for 2 months without compensation or even a word about it just a cluster fúck from the start cheaters bugs galore total JOKE
2020-05-18 20:57