# 1
I’m no math wiz, but 1.1 mil x 3k percent is more than 2.1 mil just silver wise, and so on. That barely comes out to x2 and it falls a little short silver wise, while gold coins is about x3, mind you I have all boss knowledge levels maxed at the 50 level cap (#nolifethankscovid).
Completed it using an alt, same thing, I didn’t get hardly anymore more using a “special” pass as opposed to a regular one, while the drop ratio using 500-750 regular passes to get 1-3 “special” passes.
Why are these a thing? If you aren’t going to get what is promised why is this even a thing at all if it makes little difference loot wise? If this is a bug please fix this and if it isnt, I’m going to be getting some refunds here shortly.
2020-04-29 13:39