# 1
Hey guys I have made about 8k black pearls during the whole Ramoness Ticket Exloit situation. I was sniping the market for the accessories that the exploiters were trading and blocked the trades by selling at a lower price so they would have to buy mine first. It wasn't easy because most of the time it wouldn't sell but here and then I have made a profit. I thought I'm actually being smart observing the market and making the best out of this stupid situation. I actually didn't think it would get me into trouble because none of my actions have been against the operational policy. I have contacted the support and got an answer basically saying they won't tell me anything further and just deal with it, no help at all.
I would just appreciate they would take the profit if it seems that I have gotten an unfair advantage with this strategy but it doesn't warrant a ban. I have never gotten any negative attention or into any trouble before and was planning of it staying that way. I don't care about the pearls at all, in the end I just want to play and enjoy the game, especially during this quarantine situation.
Take care guys and stay healthy ✌
2020-03-28 12:44