How to fix nonsense in Auction House
# 1
Issue: why only one player can buy all pets available just because he is using bots to buy or his internet is much better than yours? Not fair.

Solution: New AH mechanic. After the item is posted and announced on server, it goes to sell in 30 seconds.

1) First 30 seconds, same as today. Bid button available.

2) Only 1% player base can buy the item, but if u buy it, u lose your priority ticket for the rest of week. Bid button will say you had used your priority ticket. The priority ticket is not the only difference, you can buy only one unit this stage.

3) After stage 2 was up for 30 seconds, a total of 1 minute has passed. Then the item will be available to everyone, but still only 1 unit per player can be bought for another 30 seconds.

4) Passed 1m30s, the offer will change again and not only everyone can buy, but the limit restriction is released.

A total of 4 Stages.
1. Server announcement and bid. 30 sec.
2. Week Priority ticket. 30 sec.
3. Indian queue, available for everyone but 1 per player. 30 sec.
4. Limitless

Can't see any faults. its bots proof, flipper proof, cheater proof and p2w proof.
2020-02-27 13:38