UI and Autobattle improvement suggestions
# 1
UI improvements
Add an option to hide UI icons for cleaner look. It
should work like black sprit skill icon list.
- Upper right icons
- Upper left icons
- Pet list icons(I don't really see the relevance of
showing them, you can just put dots that light
up to show their looting skill has cooled down)
- Inactive buffs should be hidden to reduce clutter
in screen.
- Add an option to hide skill list while in
AutoBattle mode. Dodge button can stay.

AutoBattle improvements
- Add an option to adjust the roam radius of
characters while in AutoBattle mode. We can
adjust the horse mounting range why not this.
- Add an option to enable auto casting of Black
Spirit Skills while in AutoBattle mode.

You made battle system and skill effects cool and awesome why not show them properly, reduce UI clutter while in battle.

I don't really know if devs watches over this forum, but I hope they do.
And for those who read this post and you like some of my proposals, please like/heart this post.
Thanks guys.
2020-02-03 17:37
# 2
Devs! Please bring back the life steal of Sorceress. It's so unfair for us in Global Server to have a Sorceress that is quite different and nerfed compared to Sorceress in Korea Server. Please devs bring it back. Thanks!
2020-02-03 18:09
# 3
add auto questing like in KR thanks
2020-02-03 20:56
# 4

I would add that the name of the character would be shown, and not his last name, otherwise why do we come up with them, these names, by the way in Korea, they are, the name is shown, not the last name

2020-02-03 21:08
# 5

Add Camp Storage icon to access stored seeds when managing the garden in camp

2020-02-03 21:27