Shield Class Passive Description Hit Count
# 1
I think there should be a discription on their passive about how many hits the shields stance of certain class can tank eg. Gladiator can tank 5hits on shield stance before breaking it, also with refresh. Nova can tank about 4hits during shield stance, Paladin I thinks is 3 hits.

It's not clear for those who use shield class about how to utilize this passive in arena since there's no description telling of the shield stance or how many hits they can block on each of the class.

• Shield/Block Stance
- enter a shield stance when being close/(numeric distance if u bdm wants to add it) to the enemy.
- Forward guard during the stance, can move sligthy.
- block (depending on what shield class)(number)hits before breaking, refresh block count by (cooldown, evade, skill proc.???). [This one is the most confusing and important at the same time, so please BDM make this one clear since it is part of a class kit]
- leave the stance by using a skill or moving far away from enemy.
*- Opinon: When in field pvp, this stance should be forward guard with rear super armor. This is great to utilized in 1v1 field pvp.

**It's not that a lot of work since no rework needed just quality of life decription for shield users to learn this mechanism.
2024-11-26 18:35