# 1
This class ins beyond busted and yall buff it ever match I play in any form of arena is nothing but dosa if your a remotely competent players your untouchable so many SAs in normal that’s its just a joke on top of DR and can’t be grabbed skills that also work in the normal arena I mean come on PA really like I don’t see anything but this class he does a ridiculous amount of dps on top of that is he your new FAV child like zerker was can we just expect this class to stay busted till Hal get a new fav child like omg this class is ridiculous and it would not be so bad if everyone and there mother has not made a dosa just to go in arena and shit on everyone while eating crayons at the same time is silly how easy he is to pick up and just slay with if the class was not so calm prevalent in every aspect of PvP in the game rn probs would not be so hated but we all know people love to play meta and meta only even if they don’t like the class cause it’s busted they play it purely just not to loose horrible mindset you are promoting there if I say so my self while you got classes like lupa and Lilly who are basically almost useless have nearly the 3rd of dosas SAs on and require you to literally do 5 to 6 combos to kill while dosa just spams the same 3 buttons and rolls you in a couple hits tf is this shit like really and any dosa fans I’m not saying put this class in the dirt like they have done with poor old Lilly I’m saying remove some of its SAs in arena game mods like every other class and maybe not give almost every skill 40%DR on top of not being able to be grabbed it’s just silly also what’s up with his range on top of his radius I swear he cover the whole arena in skills you have not choice but to use your SAs and dodge constantly and before you know it you out and before any one says I’m just trash I’ve beaten some really really good dosas many times but the amount of effort that I have to put into it and not make a single mistake why the dosa just spams SAs that take so long to do the animation it’s like watching water boil it’s just boring to fight against cause it’s a waiting game it’s not fun to fight I really don’t see how it’s fun to play he feels like a damn truck with only three wheels but is so busted at the same time it’s like PA just enjoys this cause they go and buff him after literally no one ever said he needed a buff yall buff his already busted ass Dmg in PvP and pve like what 😂🤣 bunch of clowns yall are
2024-08-14 00:07
# 2
Again 5 stars to BDM for making new OP class.
The best way is stop playing arena with your own favorite class and choose the class that BDM have choosen for you.
The game is belong to Preal Abyss and they have right to messed up every things.

just eating your bread and be quiet (and ..... wait for new game)
2024-08-31 10:24