BS/NoVS Sections by CP Tier
# 1
Despite the objections others may have, I believe that there should be separate map instances in Black Sun and Night of Vengeful Souls separated by 5k CP tiers. If that is not feasible then at least section off the current maps by CP tiers.

As a mid-level character (42k CP) it is pointless for me to even participate. Spending 20 minutes grinding mobs to access better rewards only to get ranked by a roaming max level player and lose 15k+ points in a couple seconds rewards a toxic atmosphere and punishes newer players.

If nothing else at least lower the amount of points lost when killed to 1000 points.
2024-07-22 18:45
# 2
Another thing they could do instead, is shift the rate of points based on cp diff. The bigger the gap in cp, the less points one gets for a kill. The whales get their random kill they all hunger for, and lower cp players don't get severely penalized
2024-07-23 07:19