Several content needs to be revamped.
# 1

Here’s a few ideas:

• Display a special icon in sleep-more screen when someone uses Flute of Unity. That way adventurers will quickly react and get to farm wherever.

• Fairy skill sets: we have reached a point where average players have maxed out the content. However, fairy skills remain a tedious thing to do. What about implementing 3 sets just like for our character’s skills? With upcoming PvE changes and brand new skills, it’s going to be very impractical for us to continuously change her skills for a better and more efficient gameplay. Please take into consideration doing something about this.

• Merchantry is in dire need of a revamp. It would be awesome that next to all the content you’re revamping, you could add extra routes for Merchantry and improve the overall rewards from it. Make it give more material resources like herbs, stones or wood. Content feels pretty obsolete nowadays and we are just doing it for the black pearl side of it.

• PvP modes are in DESPERATE need of reward revamping as well. Ramoness, Ranked Arena, Karkea arena, Black Sun, Battlefield of the Sun, all of these modes are nice but they don’t really feel rewarding at all. We need BETTER rewards in order to pump up our player’s motivation to participate in those. Average mindset is: why bothering in trying if rewards are trash anyway. • Great Desert Black Sun: you should divide the map into two zones just like you did with Night of Vengeful Souls, so it’s more PvP oriented instead of having a huge ass map where you run and run in circles without encountering other adventurers.


I feel like these changes are in need right now. And they shouldn’t be a problem for you guys to implement.

2024-07-10 08:20