GRAB class balance
# 1
About grab skill there are four group classes:
1- Grab skill only (example: Igneous)
2- Grab skill + superarmor skill can not be grab (example: Yacha)
3- No grab + superarmor skill can not be grab (example: berserker [2 superarmor skill can not be grab] )
4- No grab & No superarmor can not be grab (example: wizard)

This make unfair skill system.

The other problem: there are some skills that comment "can not be grab" but add "not apply in arena" , what means? Main usage of Grab skill is in Arena, its better "can not be grab" add to SUPERARMOR skills only

The other problem: Grab skill is its own superarmor and can not be grab, So why a class with Grab skill has also another superarmor skill with "can not be grab" such as Yacha

The other problem: there are some different defination of "can not be grab" [while starting] , [while moving], [while jumping], [during skill], so finally the skill is grab resisit or not, its better just cover [during whole of skill]

Hope hear by Game Developer
With thanks

2024-06-03 02:03