Nerf Kunoichi
# 1
First of all thanks BDM devs for class balance plan.
Please attention class type: "KUNOICHI".
She has all of abilities that any class has:
1- Stealth mode
2- Longenst stealth duration time between hidden classes (6s)
3- Grab skill
4- Super armor antigrab skill (2 times charge)
5- Super armor teleport skill with longterm target lock (skill could use about 4s after sending target point)
6- Kept at stealth mode even found or attacked by enemy and not find easily

Please consider that non of classes has these much abilities togetger.

Thanks for understaning
2024-05-30 10:30
# 2
big disadvantage of kunoichi is ezly get killed, too soft, not recommended to crowd, just kill one then hide again.. if you spam aoe near where she invi that will do.. aoe skills can ezly detect and kill kunoichi.. just make use of it
2024-06-05 10:12