Request for Review of Pricing Policy for Brazilian Players of Black Desert Mobile
# 1

Dear Black Desert Mobile Team,


I am writing to express my concern regarding the pricing policy for the in-game store items and packages for the Brazilian player community.

Currently, the values of the available packages and items in the Black Desert Mobile store are significantly above the purchasing power of the majority of Brazilian players. Due to the exchange rate disparity between the Brazilian Real (BRL) and the US Dollar (USD), the prices become prohibitive and prevent many players from fully enjoying the resources and content offered by the game.

This price discrepancy ends up creating a barrier to access, hindering the experience and competitiveness of Brazilian players compared to other players around the world. This can result in an exodus of the local community, compromising the longevity and engagement of the player base in Brazil.

In light of this scenario, I respectfully request that the team responsible for Black Desert Mobile review the pricing policy and values practiced in the game's store, seeking ways to make them more accessible and aligned with the economic reality of the Brazilian market.

Some suggestions that could be considered:

  • Implementation of a regionalized pricing system, taking into account the average purchasing power of the local population.
  • Specific promotions and discounts for the Brazilian community, in order to encourage participation and engagement of players.
  • Alternative payment options, such as the use of local currencies or more accessible payment methods.

I believe that such measures would contribute significantly to a fairer and more inclusive gaming experience for Brazilian players, strengthening the local community and promoting a healthy competitive environment.


I thank you in advance for the attention given to this request and I am available for any additional clarifications that may be necessary.




2024-04-26 09:32