Chat filter
# 1
As we all know the chat filter system is crappy AF but i have an idea to fix it

Chat filter is working by finding sentence that is set as inappropriate in data base, but would it be better if for every language there would be separate database of those words? Of course it would mean that those who have english could swear in other languages but this way we would not have problems with word “something”. If people want to swear - they will.. u seriously can’t stop them, adding a dot is a bypass.

This is clearly a word for devs out there cuz its not that hard to make it work as i said.

Thanks for reading.
2020-01-16 12:47
# 2
Hi I have a question, can you please remove that 30 min CD onda friendly arena? Sometimes is anoying , we trying to do an arena tournament but we have to wait 30min all the time.
Thankyou forma reading.
2020-01-16 14:28
# 3

Honestly, i what i think they need to do is remove chat restrictions for clans and private chat. It's godawful when i have to retype something on my phone, i mean it, i can't even type something, manager, and many other things, i type a half paragraph and it says innapropriate words. . . then just give up and stay silent cos i'm irritated . . .


2020-01-17 18:07