OP Passives | Weak Passives
# 1

Overpowered Passives


- Vengeful Wrath has Increase attack speed, Immune to Decrease Atack Speed, Cooldown of all skils -0.3s, PvP damage dealt +10%, PvP damage taken -15%, 1,000 HP heal. Basically he has every buff that lasts 30 sec and can easily reset the duration in 4 hits. Other concern is that Karkea is infested with Berserkers.


*All skills gain 10 Rage > 5 Rage on hit.

*Reckoning gains 20 Rage > 15 Rage on hit.

*Apply Vengeful Wrath for 30 sec >20 sec.

*reset duration of Vengeful Wrath and apply Unleash for 30 sec.

*Unleash All skill damage +10% for 30 sec.

*Gain 2x Rage on hit and apply Unleash at the cost of Max HP when Vengeful Wrath is applied.

Additional Suggestion: 

rename other skills for better description

He have a toggle skill for Rage gain named Vengeful Wrath rename it with Berserk

His passive is named Vengeful Wrath rename it with Berserker's Fury.

His 11th skill or buff skill is also Vengeful Wrath which makes it very confusing.



- Buccaneer can melt down every other classes by just spamming skills to summon Slippery Scallywags.


*Slippery Scallywags Max 2 hits >  1 hit



- Titan has tons of HP to begin with, let alone the amount of HP he heals plus the addtional heals from imprints. Heal reduction imprints to fight him are useless at some point. He easily heal half of his HP in a single transformation in Arena, he can easily spam Therianthropy. 


*Consume 35 MP 3 times > 4 times to apply Therianthropy for 30 sec > 20 sec



- Her immunity is spammable not even the removal of invincibility on the Will of The Fox will help balance her immunity.


*Obtian 2 Spirit Energy > 1 Spirit Energy

*PvP damage taken -15% > PvP damage taken -10%


Weak Passives:


- Blade master is indeed fast but the damage he receives during a trade is more than he could deal a full combo, what's that use of increasing crit chance when damage itself is very low?


*PvP damage dealt + 15% during Resonant Blade



- The same with Blademaster, Fletcher's overall damage can't do much, but he's slower than Blademaster.


*Spear of Light: twice the damage as Greatbow Mastery



- Even with the recent buff, his skill damage is still quite lacking.


*Skill damage + 10% during Penetrate.



- This class is now a dead class while its succession is very OP.


*Additional 10% damage to all skills during Overheat

*Apply 120 HP burn damage every sec for 4 sec to targets nearby during Radiant Heat.

2024-03-31 00:33