Open World When?
# 1

I dont know if I heared/remembered this right but there was like an open-world introduction on Heidel where we get to have merged/wider nodes. I hope it lives up to our expectations climbing, falling, flying (lahn/pegasus/drakania), swimming, and jumping down high places for something like assassination are achievable. This is the best quality of life we can get in game.


And just a self preference, if above mentioned is possible, to have a more interactable open-world without cramping too many buttons on screen is to have controls like in Xbox/PS5 where skill activation uses key combinations. Leaving only 5 buttons; primary attack, secondary attack, jump, evade, and target lock. In this case we don't have to equip skills since all skills can be used with just these buttons while improving quality of life and UI. Example: primary attack = basic attack; secondary attack = buff skill; forward movement + primary attack = skill number 1; side evasion + secondary attack = skill number 2; forward jump + primary attack = skill number 3... and so on. Where there are so many possible key combinations that PA will actually need to create more skills. And there should be no problems on aiming since we have auto lock feature.


Lastly, if we can increase the maximum damage of branches: Aal, Serett, Ahib, and Labreve. Is it impossible to do the same for attack speed, movespeed, crit chance and crit damage?


BTW succession skills really gives more player diversity with the same classes, it is a greate update. 

2024-01-30 08:43