Create Condensed Sub Menu's For The Main Menu
# 1

I have a new suggestion for the main menu for the right hand side.


Condense specific tiles into their own category in sub menu's. In order to match some of the tiles on the left hand side that open up into their own sub menu.


The following tiles will be in their category. (+This will allow the tiles themselves to be made bigger.)


Life Skill Sub Menu:: 

- Craft

- Cooking

- Manufacture


Knowledge and Collection::

- Collection

- Log

- Knowledge

- Family Feats


Black Spirit and Story

- Black Spirit

- Emblem

- Copy

- Story

- Shakatu


Fairy and Wardrobe (Or Character)

- Treasure

- Wardrobe

- Fairy

- Pets/Pet Album

- Skills

- Goddess Statue*


*I really loved it when the selection/short cut for the Goddess Statue was avaiulable in the main menu due to it being really easy to select with out having either A) go into my inventory and select Tear of the Goddess  in order to bring up the window itself, Or B) entering my camp and accessing through the statue itself. This needs to be brought back a QOL for the players.


World Map and Social

- World Map

- Social

- Market

- Rank



Screen Shot can float by itself, its fine on its own.


For the Left Hand side of the Main Menu, the following needs to be fixed


Family Experience/Adventure

- Alyaelli

- Glory

- Stars

- Tower of Trials

- Scout Hadum

- Mercantry (Family)


Team Work (Co-Op)

- Boss Rush

- Co-Op Rush

- Ruins

- Valor


Solo Instances Adventure/Experience

- Pirate Island

- Trials

- Merchant/Trade


Battle (PvP)

- Arena

- Black Sun (though the tile was added to allow the cleecting of rewards and players can only participate twice a week)

- Nightmare


Along with any other PvP element that might be missing.


I believe that moving these tile into their own sub menu would be much more beneficial and should help compact the data into smaller files. As well as organizing the tiles on the left hand side of the main menu so that they can properly reflect what the function is related too.


Thank you for your time and consideration PA.

2024-01-05 20:04