Spirit energy count indicator - Hwoaryong
# 1
Hwoaryong is a fun character to play with, and so far, with its skill mechanics, the character is somehow balanced at the moment (trade off of low damage with occasional invincibility). However, I hope the devs could improve on the spirit energy count indicator because timing the use of will of the fox is crucial especially during pvp, and constantly looking out for the spirit energy count at the bottom right of the screen somehow limits the player in effectively using hwoaryong by losing focus on the target, while trying to dodge the opponent's skills and or setting up your combos, which includes the proper timing of activating will of the fox. But by placing the indicator at the bottom of the screen or lack thereof of a better visual indicator, the player is constantly forced to occasionaly view the spirit energy count and make you lose your focus on your opponent. I humbly suggest to place a better visual indicator at the top (or on the character/character's weapon itself like zayed) so that the player can maintan focus on the toon and the opponent in front of you. Hwoaryong's mechanics depends on focusing on the spirit energy count and using it effectively while trading with your opponent's skills. Unlike other classes which also have mechanics involving the aquisition of orbs like crimson lily and choryeong, you dont need to constantly count for it because it will activate by just using the required skills and its benefits/buffs/damage activates without the player needing to time its use, compared to hwoaryong's mechanics which requires you to time the activation of will of the fox effectively.
2023-11-07 09:50