Please remove Adventurer's Fame from the game
# 1

This social feature serves no purpose other than causing spam and annoying the playerbase.


I'm not sure what you people were thinking with this one. What is the purpose? To spam the code and get more loot? It's not like a referral code that gets more people to play the game. Literally all this "Fame" part of the game causes is spam, lies, and blocking each other over nothing. Think about it at its core, why is it in the game in this form?


It probably has actually caused people to leave the game as opposed to joining the game unlike a referral link that's meant for OUTSIDE the game.


What exactly is your logic for this "feature" to reward "good people" if you can't moderate code spamming?

2020-01-05 06:58
# 2
this | Velia | dude keep spamming these fame code in the forum. In the freaking forum. We need an admin to monitor forum activities.
2020-01-05 07:23
# 3

lol seriously, even in suggestions xD what a joke


I guess it's a suggestion that you should use their code guys!BDM SPAM

2020-01-05 07:33
# 4

What do you even get for tricking someone into using your code?

2020-01-13 12:24
# 5

You get a Fame Rewards Chest that has different levels and then the top 3 for the month get a bonus chest, think it's equal to an epic blackstone chest or something similar. Kinda a great gift for lying to people all the time huh?


It's so obvious this is cancer, I don't understand why anyone else thinks otherwise. I haven't bought a single stamina yet, usually abundant pots left over. Are they really selling that much stamina to justify using this feature to make people spam and use stamina as a sales tactic?

2020-01-16 20:35