# 4
I began playing yesterday evening and I hit lvl 43 this afternoon. I had amassed maybe 75 stamina pots up until I started the farm quest.
Somebody turned off the faucet cuz I haven’t seen one in a while. Imagine my surprise when I learned talking in chat reduces your stamina!
That’s nutz…😳
Trolls should be penalized for spamming the channels not a patron asking game related questions.
That’s a really odd and peculiar game mechanic.
I’m not a fan …
I’m playing a mmorpg that encourages interaction with other players but yet I’m penalized for doing so.
That’s nutz! 😐
That’s really my only complaint. I grew up grinding Vanilla WoW so crazy ass mat reqs and perma grinds don’t faze me much.
It’s been fun so far.
I appreciate the hard work your team put into developing this game.
P.S. Not really a complaint but it would be super dooper cool if the herbs glistened or something. Maybe my eyes are going bad but I find it really difficult to locate them.
2023-10-08 12:55