A Drakania's Request!
# 1
My master took me to a dragon's nest and instructed us to defeat the dragons, he said it's part of the gig? What is a gig?

I feel sad for slaying them... I should be protecting them .. The area is called Tus' Nest if I'm not mistaking?

DEEP: Cassandra? You posted a request for this world's creators? We defeated Tus and the dragons but it doesn't mean their dead? You'll see... I will take you again there soon...
CASSANDRA: Really? But Tus' movement? Depects of that those who is slain?
DEEP: Yes but their just cutting stuffs? So this world will not become bloated with unnecessary animation - I mean movements?
CASSANDRA: I still don't really get about this real world you talk about?
DEEP: So in short, you're requesting to let Tus escape instead? Rather than looking like he is slain? Like Nou... Nou... Karanda? Well I think you're request will receive by the authorities?
DEEP: Just think that they said defeat? Not kill.
Cassandra: ...
DEEP: Like breeding a Tier 7 horse? They said upon failure... One horse will lost? Meaning... At the time of the process... The female suddenly run amok and escape to the wilds outside the camp?
DEEP: I will still review the descriptions... If it suggests death? 🤔
2022-07-22 05:29