Developers and PA :)
# 1
Greetings to all,

Hope you are doing well and safe. I just wanted to thank you guys for being with us adventurers for the past 2 years. Although some of the players do hate some of the patch notes, I just wanted to tell you that I am one of those who want thank you for getting touch with us, even though some of the patches are not good for others I appreciate your efforts and hardwork in making the game better. I am saying this not because I have a good RNG or good droprates, it is because me and my brother enjoys the game. If I was in your place i dont know how will i handle the demands of other adventurers cause me myself wanted to have better loots and better gears that you are trying to address as much as much as possible. Me and my friends believed that this game is more about perseverance over luck. Try and try until the RNG gets tired. Then 1 day it will be given to you. Hoping to have an OCT set this coming 2022. And I hope that we can color the barding and pets someday. Im very excited in the future updates. Keep up the good work and more power. Merry Christmas and Happy newyear in advanced.

From dandelion server asia..Monde
2021-12-12 11:18