Problem with Outlaw Zone
# 1

Since Outlaw Zone was introduced from recent patch. It has become the privilege for top CP players only. 

The reason why I am saying this is, these top cp players are constantly hunting down everyone they see in all the chaos map. They are from the top guilds. 

I totally understand outlaw zone allows pvp action to happen. However, if top players are purposely hunting down lower cp players at outlaw zone, then all these lower cp players (including myself) will not be able to grind at chaos map in outlaw zone for the extra exp buff and loot cool down buff.

So if Pearl Abyss is telling me Outlaw Zone was introduced for top cp players. Then, I have nothing else to say but to quit this game.

I play game to have fun but not to get bullied by lifeless people. Some friends told me to not use outlaw mode. Yes, that is one of the solutions.

However, if I am block from certain content of the game because I am not a P2W player. Then I don't want to play this game. 

These top cp players called me cry baby. That is fine, I won't waste my time talking to a real life loser anyway. I got a job and I won't waste 24/7 on a game.

Thank you if you have stayed this far. I want to give suggestions, but I can't think of any that can help with this kind of situation.

This is also happening in ocean outlaw zone as well. BTW, here I am not saying all the top cp players are assholes, only portion of them.

Maybe the best solution is to quit the game lol. That is all I want to say. 

2021-08-26 20:27
# 2
Bye and don't forget to uninstall the game and oh, i would recommend a game to you called "Carebears" im sure you gonna like it. LOL.
2021-08-27 09:42