New class
# 1
Hello i am player at amirca server kaia and came here today with an idea i would your support team consider work on it :
Shadow Lord
he will be a class for every situation he will be not melee or range class but he will be more his abilities were be many but what make him special that he doesn't fight at all with his hands and feets like other classes but he make his shadows fight for him.
He will be able to harvest the souls of monsters and make them his servants.
He will get the souls from an place called (the dungeon of the world) eny class of family can enter it it will be rooms with different cp and higher you have the better the souls you collect but only (Shadow Lord) able to use those souls and will be option of merge the souls to get higher once.
Shadow Lord skills will be have 6 free and empty skill slots cuz the empty once will be on based on witch soul he have cuz every soul have different dmg and abilitys...and he will have 3 core skills
1.Resurrection...will be the skill that harvest the soul of the monster.
2. Calming...will be skill that regeneration hp and mana cuz all his skills will take alot of mana and will be on 5 seconds cool down.
3. Shadow Rising...will be the most important skill with him cuz he will be able after the shadows reach max level to upgrade there rank like (normal>elite>epic) and the higher the grade the most dmg and abilitys and the most hard to lvl it up.
Shadow Lord will be the first summon class ever cuz he will not fight at all on the field he will put his hands on his pocket and wait until his servants finshing the enemy...his shadows will be mortal and can be destroyed by stronger enemy but his shadows will remain at the field as long he have mana so he need a good mana considering mana his power.
i hope to make the shadows more animated and more likely alive not just few shades like class nova cuz the shadows will be the only thing that make him special.
At the end i love to say this class will change the game for ever cuz he will bring a hole new game modes with great rewards for all players and the doungeon of the world will be just the beginning of new way of playing and rewards.
One more thing almost forgot the Shadow Lord will be measure not by cp but by his shadows grade and level and i said befor this class will change the game cuz now players must spend more time at the game for leveling up the shadows level and grade and i suggest you make 10 different types of shadows that service by many ways of playing and different combos with different shadows group.

Black spirit skill:
Will be different than the normal black spirit skill of all classes all classes got raised there ap and dp for 30 seconds but the difference here will be that the Shadow Lord will have circle around him on the ground and all the shadows on the range turn from normal black and blue to dark red as sign of the black spirit buff and turn back to normal black and blue after the time is end...and for the second skill it will be open after he harvest the soul of world boss when he summoned his soul the world boss will appear as the same look but will be look black and blue as shadow and will hit only one time with his strongest attack.

Thats was all what i can think about now if i got eny new ideas will update my letter so keep following this letter.

Thank you very much for reading my letter and i hope you work on this class soon and if you will i ask you to let me know that you guys have seen my letter.
2021-05-26 19:06
# 2
Why don't just say Shadow Monarch from solo leveling?
2021-06-07 05:07