UI Changes
# 1

Hello everyone :)

As we all know, BDM is played by a lot of people via emulators on computers. What is more, with the relatively recent realeases of razer kishi, other similar accessories and especially gaming phones with mappable trigger buttons, the mobile UI of the game starts to become somewhat inappropriate if I may say. So here is a small list of QoL improvements that I think will be usefull:


1) Give us the option to reduce the UI size down to 50 (or even lower) instead of 75 like it currently is. On some bigger screens (even on tablets), the 75 UI size takes way too much screen space.


2) Add a new quickslot mode for the skills which makes them 2 rows by 4 skills so that we can see all 8 at the same time. This will be very usefull for people who play with controllers or use any sort of mapped controls.


3) Give us the option to hide the chat window (or at least make it a button that opens it instead of this ugly space taking rectangle).

2021-04-11 03:05
# 2

I would also love so see the reduction to 50% scaling to the UI

2021-04-15 07:25