OFFICIAL PETITION- To Roll Back Server time by 1-HR – DST Nullify-
# 1


Hello All,


As literally all of us BDM players are aware, the DST change has a horrible effect on our BDM community experience every year. Events get later, players need to change their schedules, players lose sleep, and ultimately a large player base is unable to participate in a large array of scheduled events (Blacksun, Battle of Sun, Node war, Siege War, etc…).

We need to come together and formally request that the BDM admins combat this horrible quality of life issue for us by rolling back server time one hour (thus rolling back all events). This would nullify DST and help save all of our sanity.

Please comment & like if you support this.

 Also, please send a ticket to PA about this issue. Feel free to copy & paste what I have written above.



2021-03-19 17:57