# 1
In my experience of this game..
its so good i spent time and money for better..

but the PROBLEM IS UNFAIR MATCH... why ??
my suggestion for this..
1. If you try CP MATCHING ? is not a good idea
.. Try this ... maybe you should change it , like matching a same damage but if you considered ..
in using SKILL COMBO much better coz i know how excite use my talent to do more move to take down others player.. it will be great as i am player of this game....
2.If you tried cp.. must have a limit in matching .. 5k cp vs 5k cp also.. coz they have same damage.. as usual.. but lack of matching enemy if you do that ryt ?? coz we all know.. most are not same playing pvp in that time.. either if you have time limit to do or a time to PVP.. like WORLDBOSS .. putting a time when can i ENTER.. PLEASE ... MAKE BETTER THIS GAME .. GOD BLESS .. MORE POWER .. I HOPE THIS WILL BE NOTICE
2020-11-23 03:49