Failure buff for totems
# 1
PA, how about some sort of failure buff (like with exchanging pets) for when we fail totem enchantments? There's just too much frustration going from +5 down to zero then back up only to +2. You are losing too many players over this issue alone!

Respectfully submitted.
2020-10-16 13:30
# 2
a fair game would clearly state the odds you're gabling against, to say nothing about the eventual restoration costs (in certificates and memory stones) where available...
best you can do about totems is enhacing a second till you have it higher than the first, if ever, then swap. never managed to go above lvl.4, tho
2020-10-17 01:42
# 3
the problem with this suggestion is that it's pretty easy to obtain resources for enhancing totems especially with the people's that have the money.. every whale in this game would already have a +10 totem if this is the case which would be insane because the totem offers a lot of cp..
2020-10-18 01:25