Things that are wrong about arena that I don't know if devs even bat an eye about and other things
# 1
FIRST major thing that ever since the start of the game they didn't fix is the "bush". As you all know every grab user class but mostly titans can throw you out of the bush. When you where thrown you'll be helpless 1. Because your opponent will get a free hit 2. That bug is so bad sometimes you can't even climb out of it. This is major because as you can see it is an unfair play especially when you can't climb up anymore. SECOND thing is the message pop up. Like what the hell do you need that while your on arena. The events, the guild chat message that suddenly pops out of your screen. The notifications. I just want to poke my eyes every time those things pop out on me in arena cause it's the same situation. You're like blind because of that stupid thing. THIRD is another major thing that I don't know if the devs are even working out with. It's the bug in the side of the wall in both respawn points in arena. The one where you are running to evade attacks then all of a sudden you'll get stuck and can't pass through an impenetrable invincible wall of doom. Doom cause it's a free hit because of the users confusion on why he/she can't pass through that. It started happening after the update where you can't attack yet at the start of a match due cause there's an invinsible wall in it. FOURTH is the walls and torches. I don't know the need of this things. It's just make you blind. Seriously why not just remove it? FIFTH is as you know the cp base arena. 1. Can you please don't fool us and show the cp of the people we encounter in arena? 2. Please improve your arena. CP base arena is totally just cp rankings. You can't even showcase your skill in ranked arena only how godly your gears. The higher the gears are the higher you'll get in the rankings and you know who those people with that kind of gears cause they have money. SIXTH is huntresses. Yes huntresses. To be honest I want to punch every huntress user that I encounter. I don't know if devs are biased on one class or what. Huntresses are totally OP and I don't know why there's no major nerf in it. Unlike titan who strong points are in farming/guild wars/group pvp, Valkyrie/VK/Raven on arena, ArchMagician in farming/support/boss rushes, Gladiator on boss rushes I don't know the rest. This classes has disadvantage and advantages when using. I don't really see the disadvantage on huntresses. They basically are tier in every aspect of this game and no disadvantages at all. 1. They dominate guild wars with range and good back line and a lot of skill with SA. 2. They dominate farming with range. 3. Yes they dominate again boss rushes. 4. That's right ramones as well. 5. Last but not the least ranked arena. TBH they can defeat every single class except I think in Palladins. They have heal per hit skill but it turns out to be heal per shot. They evasion are nasty like 4 dodge and 2 evade. Not only that they have long SA as well. They're range are basically half the radius of the arena. Also they hit fast with a lot of cc at that. For huntress users they might not complain about it because those OPness are in their favor but for other classes I think they will understand. For the SEVENTH part of this is the matching part of the game. The part where you get stuck all of a sudden. When you click cancel it will say that you're already matched up. But you're just stuck on that part. Please fix it. EIGHTH is the blink. I don't know if it's just me or if it is happening on other blink users as well. So basically in arena when I'm in a heat of a clash when I use a skill it will suddenly get cancelled due to a blink that I didn't click. Both skill and blink get consumed. It cancels my attack and I don't know if it's a bug or something. I get confusion bruh. I don't even know why that happen. It's mostly when I use doom vortex which in my 3rd slot but it sometimes happen when I click the 4th slot skill. NINTH thing is the auto lock. Is it possible that when the match started your game is already auto locked? Like there's only one opponent might as well lock it already at the very beginning. For now that is all that I wanted to say and I might add more in the future. Tbh this game should be stress release game but it is becoming a stress giver. When you encounter a high cp it's like you don't have any gear at all. I mean what's the point of building defense when it can easily be penetrated by cp. Also arena is really interesting in this game that is why I'm not qiutting aside from that it's basically just grind all day. Wars have problems too but I don't mind it as much as arena. I don't even know what to do with the sudden shift in view when I am in arena. I don't think it happens in controller user or emulator user. It's just the mobile tapping players I think. That one is frustrating as well. It suddenly change your view and before you can make it right your life is gone. That's all.
2020-05-11 07:52
# 2

Guy... Two things:

First - I agree with almost everything except about Raven. These are almost extinct in the normal and ranked arena. In Ramones I still find.

Second - Your text needs paragraphs. This wall is an extremely unpleasant reading because the person constantly gets lost and loses interest quickly.


I just want to reinforce one thing that you mentioned: PA hides the cp in pvp, damage in multiplayer events and definition of classes in the ranking so that we don't compare and keep hidden a series of absurd errors while keeping someone's favorite classes inside at the top. A shame.

Unfortunately for them, more and more people are seeing and revolting about it.

2020-05-11 08:41
# 3
Arena bugs and unbalance is there since beginning but this game don't have fixing developers, just a bunch of programmers trying to push pay to win items in game. This is the low quality of PA. Welcome to the real game.
2020-05-13 17:45