Give Archmages some love,...
# 1

Archmages are garbage in pvp, in order to do something you have to play 20 times better than other classes. Please give some love to this class and her purpose inside 3vs3 and massive pvp,...
-She should be but is not a glass canon. Has a garbage defense and life, other classes do more burst damage, faster and with cc immunity
-Her skill cast speed is laughable,... i have been interrupted a lot of times ("Tornado" even if u have cast it it is interrupted very easily).
-Only have 2 CC "immune" skills "Ignite" and "Firestorm" which are movement skills (thx good they have CC immunity for movement skills,... even though can be interrupted), all the close range skills has no CC immunity (and she has quite a few).
-She is more vulnerable to CC as more enemies there are due to her lack of CC immunities over time, In ramoness is very noticeable and even more in node wars. There have been node wars that i have been more time dead and stunned on the floor than playing,...

-The healing Aura skill heal very little and has a very very long coldown. Is a one time use skill in arena and Ramoness. What would I do to improve her:
-Give some of her normal skills CC immunity, above all those that have long cast time or have close range.-Improve her skills damage. Meteor shower, for example, is mediocre to say the least for a risky skill that has so long casting time or depend on other skill combos to be cast faster.
-Improve Healing Aura healing (the initial and the ticks) and reduce coldown.
-Give a cumulative % of possibilities to overpass CC immunity of enemies.... I have cast 6 or 7 freeze, stun, and knockback consecutively to an enemy and I haven't CC it...

I am not saying the actual Archmage can't be played well but, It is needed to sweat a lot to win or do something in node wars, arena or Ramoness and very little to die miserably. For me is a very frustrating character.


I hope the character will be improved in the future. I always liked to play as mage :)

2020-05-01 13:58
# 2

Nah PA hates Archmage so much they turned this into a clown class. We're the only class who needs to juse our iframe (ignite) just to combo what a fucking joke. only awakening can save AM so pray we get it soon, thats when we actually turn into a range class and have an actual iframe we can use for escaping. 

2020-05-01 17:00