Edited: All wrong in this game that devs don't want to discuss
# 1
Edited: I think this game still should be named Palladins and Huntress Online. The OPness of this two is way beyond that the only classe that you always encounter in arena is this 2. Devs are turning blind eye on this when this issue is being pointed out right in their faces. First huntresses with their evasiveness. Why would you give a an SA to a class who's attacks are fast, it is range, and it is quick to evade? Their range are ridiculous long and fast that when you are fighting against your just sbout to move and they already daze you then knock you down. well I'm okay with reduction of every classes skills range just to nerf that stupid range. At least make the arena bigger. I know classes like archmage has arcane bolts/fireball/meteor, palladin has celestial spear, raven has doom vortex but comparing them to huntress. You can't counter huntress range dps skill that heals(broken heal skill) and fast cast with knock down at that unless of course if your class has a grab when is only exclusive for titan, gladiator and palladin. Also aren't every hp recovery on atk skill a heal per hit? Then why are huntresses able to heal when they are not hitting. Isn't this too much of bias for one class? Well you are not only favored with huntress but with palladins as well. Which is the second one I want to discuss. At least palladins are just OP in arena. Huntress dominates all aspects of the game. Now isn't it too much that palladins has hp recovery, heal like an archmage, range, grab, mobility, dash, sa, and block? Might as well put frost on their skill as well as burn since they have every skills of every classes. Can't you see this? Third is the rank arena as Joel said in the stream 4/15/20 so stronger players are gonna get to the top where they belong and since it's still early in the ranked arena thay we were still able to encounter those higher cp. I still want to ask if do you want to duplicate your cp rank that much? Are f2p players still has a chance against this game? You know that not all high cp players are skilled players right? And not all skilled players are high cp players. And again you fight a lot and then with one swipe you will lose a lot of hp. So if a high cp player with a low battle skill fought a low cp plater with a high battle skill who do you think will win? You are basically saying that this is just for p2w. Cause not all f2p are able to catch up to p2w in terms of cp when updates after updates every week is happening. Why even open this in public when it is obviously just for p2w? 4th is about arena still. Are there any way for you to filter out pre ascension and ascension classes? At least in normal arena. In normal arena pre ascend get matched up against ascended which is unfair for them. Also do something about emulator and controller users able to move when the match is still not starting in both arena and ramones. And your ramones wall why are you so bias with huntress. Isn't that wall impenetrable? Why are huntresses skill able to go through those stupid walls? The walls in arena, the lightning, the event/server/note/reminder text that keeps on popping up while in match. The guild push message that pops up when someone use it. Are this really a thing in arena? It blocks the view especially the walls and that stupid lightning is way too hurtful in the eyes. Fifth is the archmage. I would like to thank you for finally giving this class something. Now we can manage in mass pvp thanks to the new skill and the buff of frost pillar and tornado. However I still think that the sa and immunity is broken though and the skill casting is an easy cancel. Hope you will see on this. Also are archmage will be able to stand in arena cause it really is hard for most of us. Last is what's up with void knight? Can she block? Does she even meant to get knock down? Is that a bug? I know your team is quicker than other games and thank you for thay but hopefully you can address this matters as well.
2020-04-10 22:51
# 2
I agree with you in evrey single word u saide
2020-04-11 22:04