Archmage is useless in all PvP.
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The Arena, can no longer use Archmage ( my main charcter ), no longer ranged attacker, in PvP all skills attack damage lowest in game.  How am I to participate in a major piece of the game when the Archmage is now the weakest, unshielded, punching bag of the game.  


PvP Archmage : Remove all skill debuffs for all PvP and PvP in PvE.

The time I spent on my Archmage is HUGE and now usless in much of the game.


Add auto combat to the ARENA as it's hard enough to play on a phone.


I hope your reading this because many Archmage users are pissed at the weak skill damage and now the Arena is useless, autocombat in Ramoness but not in Arena.


This needs attention, others have been identfying these same issues and THIS IS LEADING ME AWAY FROM BDM.  BASICALLY FIX IT OR NO MORE MONEY!!!


2020-03-25 22:12