Remove Boss Rush Timer
# 1

Remove this silly timer and stop ban players, who liked this game and want to fight for it!
As i say in discord channel (where did I get banned from):

Imagine - with the next update you completely close the Siege of Castles.
It turns out, that some part of the server has mythical jewelry from the castle, and those who were only going to participate to capture the castle - will no longer receive it.

At BossRush same thing. After Ascession past 3 WEEKS!!!
Many ppl has done 99lvl of bosses.
And ONLY NOW you're desided to make time limit.

I't is HUGE DISBALLANCE in game.

I think most of players agree with me:
All good in updating with Dark Knight and Tower - just killed by your not logical decision - to make a time limit in BossRush.

And i sad many times - together we are strong. Don't be silent. Write, discuss, defend your point of view.

2020-03-25 09:43
# 2
To those players Who reached level 99 bosses and got the rewards.. What about the new players? Its kinda Unfair.. So please remove the timer in boss rush
2020-03-25 10:18
# 3
Please remove boss timer, if u dont i will quit the game and many other i know r thinking of doing the same. Huge disbalance between those that finished 99 lvl, and EVERYONE else, that have NO chance to even go BS +1000 any more. Remove timer, or lose many player.
2020-03-25 21:35
# 4


2020-03-26 04:49
# 5

I agree the damage is done with respect to boss rush 99.  Many players have already done bosses to 99.  they give great rewards.  to cut people off from the boss pushing at this time is not reasonable.  One fix is to remove the rewards from people who reached past a certain level but this is uterly impossible and illogical.  The proper fix will be to remove the timer as it was before the update. 

2020-03-27 19:54