[User Feedback] 2020 by LeoPio (Last update: April 23)
# 1

Dear Team,

I'd like to give plenty of suggestions to enhance User Experience for BDM and I'd like to put all of them here in one place to help you guys eaiser to keep in track. Let's start.


1. Email system:

a. Collect social token everyday

Collecting social token everyday is kinda annoy. At 0:00, you collect 15 token from 3 friends, 2 mins later, 10 tokens, 5 mins later, 5 tokens, 2 mins later, 5 tokens and so on. I have to go in and out Email UI so many times for those things.

My susgestion: Add social tokens straight to currency and give a alert on screen when new tokens are received just like other currency (Gold coin / tablet / etc)


2. Market:

a. Claim back expired items

Currently, I register not only 1 or 2 items on the Market, it can be 10 or 20 items. When they all expires, I have to claim back every single item which is a very annoying thing. 

My susgestion: Add a button / function to claim back all expired items.


B. Add item to Favorite list

Well, I know that if there is some new item listed on the market, it will be placed on top. But how about tracking a specific item? Such as some skill books, items that haven't listed yet or alrealy out of stock?


My susgestion: Add a function to add items to favorite list.


3. In-Game Event:

a. Hot time event is not totally ... hot

Well, we all know that a Hot Time event is used to increase the retention rate, encourage gamers to play game in a specific duration of time such as Weekend. For BDM, we just can do nothing during the event except letting the BSM mode turned on or just sit and watch Phone / Emulator all day. I may cannot mention other game here but I will take a example from other Korean Games. They also give Hot Time event at weekend and they completely nail it since there is no auto-combat system in the game and there are so many gamers play the game at Week end during the Hot Time. 

For BDM, Weekend is the time for us to enjoy most of interest things such as Arena, Boss Rush, Knowledge, Amity, Camp decoration, etc. but we just can't do it at weekend since the Hot Time event is there. 


My susgestion: In stead of 48 hours of Hot Time at Weekend, why don't we make it a Daily Hot Time Event and which last for 6 ~ 7 hours / day and people can spend time to enjoy features of game after the event every day?


4. Gameplay:

a. Switch Skill set is painful for Emulator users:

Swipe up and switch skill set (the icon next to Auto-combat icon) is kinda convenience for Phone / Tablet users but it's not for Emulator Users. There is no function that correctly support that kind of action. A sudden PVP is annoying for emulator users since they have to use mouse the do the swipe up action.

My susgestion: A single tap to pop out the skill set list is ok, let's keep the swipe action for selecting types of auto (combat - gather).


B. Charater (silently) Death in sleep mode:

Well, sometime, I turn on sleep mode when grinding to save battery and work on the PC screen. For 30 mins, I check my phone again and sometime my character is killed in silent. Sometime by Outlaw, sometime by Guild Declaration. And I just don't have any idea about it.


My susgestion: Please add a setting to turn on vibration when charater death and can be applied in sleep mode.


C. Blood Kin is just like playing Hide and Seek

Well, I know that when we say "Blood Kin" It sound like something really close like brothers and sisters but the fact is a lot of us must do the Kin with players all around the continent so almost the time of Blood Kin is just playing Hide and Seek, I see the Blood Bond request, I go in, he went out. I send the Blood Bond request, I go out after waiting for too long, he went in.


My susgestion: Players in Blood Kin "must" sign in a contract when they enter the Blood Kin which is allow 2 players KICK another one from KIN if that player goes offline for too long (12 hours maybe).




(To be updated...)

2020-03-05 23:36
# 2

Last update: Mar 7



2. Market - Claim back expired item.

2020-03-06 21:22
# 3

Last Update: Mar 7



3. In-Game Event:

a. Hot time event is not totally ... hot

2020-03-07 08:12
# 4

Last Update: Mar 8



4. Gamplay - a. Switch Skill set is painful for Emulator users:

2020-03-07 18:13
# 5

Last Update: Mar 8



Market - Add item to Favorite list


2020-03-07 18:30
# 6

Last update: Mar 11



Gameplay - B. Charater (silently) Death in sleep mode:

2020-03-11 07:22
# 7

Last Update: April 23

C. Blood Kin is just like playing Hide and Seek

2020-04-23 09:13
# 8

HOT TIME Event is not really that hot. It's just like making 10% to 11% HAHA

2021-03-22 02:14