# 1


Paladins 100/100 would lose
-they have very godly damage with heal, quick grabs, super long range knock down and very fast mobility. You cant hit them when they shield, and they will just grab u and burst you down. After doing multiple combos on them they will just heal it back which is very frustrating as a Titan! Encountering them on PVP is just a waste of your time because youre gonna lose anyways.

Huntress 10/10 would lose
-they have very long range and super high damage along with alot of knockdowns/knockbacks. Every time you get close to them they will just likely to make the gap more bigger and burst you down like hell in flames. Encountering them is also auto lose.

Sorceress 8/10 would lose
-they have some many super armors and they have super strong burst damage. Trying to Cc them is very hard because of their super armors and going head to head with them is suicide because they have more range than you and especially they have more DAMAGE than you (Titan's damage is nowhere to be found). Once they finish bursting you they will just run around and wait for their cooldowns and burst you back again. Going against them toe to toe is stupid, but being a Titan, you have no choice. In short being a Titan is stupid against them.

Gladiator 7/10 would lose
-they have grabs, shields, high damage and very quick mobility for engage. They are somewhat the same with Paladin but not as broken. You will have a hard time hitting your skills with them since they also have shields, and when you get close they will just instantly grab and burst you down. You might be able to combo them but they will just instantly redeem your damage by healing themselves with their skill plus bursting you along with it. Going against them is frustrating especially when all your skills will only be shielded down and maybe you got lucky and landed some skills they will just redeem it back.

Archmage 6/10 would lose
-they have wide variety of close range skills that is AOE and they are very mobile . They are somewhat fightable for titans unlike the the other classes which titan is most likely to lose. Going against them takes skills in order to beat them since most of their skills is for close combat but has very widen range. [One of the Class thats need to be fixed] - they lost their burst damage unlike when they were witch they can drop bombsm

Titan 5/5 would lose
-They have very low damage but can deal combos. Going against one is stupid because the most likely to win is the one with high cp. Why? Because the one with it will deal more damage against you.

Facts: most of people who gets to face Titans on PVP thinks they will most likely win.

To all players who are planning to make a Titan, id say save yourself from frustrations. Go for Paladin which is the Games Favorite class. If you have any reactions with this post please share ur thoughts and please be objective.
2020-03-02 19:13
# 2
Those days this class have been gifted with infinite grabs and every melees freaking hate to fight them especially preawakening state of the real game (bdo).

Don’t worry, you might gain back your shine when awakening comes.
2020-03-10 04:30
# 3
When awakening comes it'll probably nerfed way too much to the point that its useless. Just like what they did to Giant/Titan.
2020-03-10 06:37
# 4
100% true... it is so sad they nerfed a nice class. After playing for 4-5 months and investing $, it’s time to quit... or throw away for the DK....
2020-03-15 15:09
# 5
TOP 1 Ranked Arena Its TITAN
2020-05-30 12:48