Ranger nerf?
# 1

Got a mail with some bits of crap as comp for a class nerf? (can't find it on any of the updates)


is this why I'm utterly losing pretty much all my Arena fights now? anyone lower cp than me I'd win 100% people with similar would be around 90% of the time.. now I'm losing against people with 200-300 less CP. wtf is going on?... its really ruining the game... anyone else having issues?

2019-12-19 18:06
# 2
I guess so, ranger are op
2019-12-20 10:18
# 3

Try playing a ranger and go up against a good valkyrie then tell me that ranger needs a nerf

2019-12-28 07:09
# 4

Classes with 300 or more CP that a Ranger still can lose ridiculously fast. Yes, it needs to be nerfed.

2020-01-07 10:38
# 5

You must be horrible at PvP despite cp advantage or just too lazy to work your way around to land cc and use immunities to your advantage

2020-01-12 19:41
# 6
Very simple, they (rangers, mags) just take off they def gear, and start fight only with weapon, so - it is just first-punch-win. Try to start combo first.
2020-01-13 01:59
# 7

Yeah, what is up with paladins and huntresses? They are so powerful in PvP especially 1v1. I'm a warrior, probably better at mobility than a giant, and still, I can not catch up to either of the classes. 9 out of 10 matches I would lose to either of the class, and that's if only I sweated my bum off. More and more people are making paladin nowadays so they can win in PvP, basically. For example, "Anvida" used to be a mage on an American server, now s/he is a paladin. And I'm not saying this might be because s/he wants to try out new class, but in this case more likely s/he meant to play paladin so s/he can win. So please can you guys fix the issues? Thank you!

2020-03-18 21:47