One of my New Year's wishes?
My wish is that Pearl Abyss Corp.
finally gets serious about the long term
terrorism in BDM
that its imperfect game system enables.
A terrorist is a person or a small group of people who repeatedly commits violence against a larger group of people,
the destruction of large amounts of property, or the destruction of planets.
Genocidal monsters
When violence is committed by a larger group of people against a minority,
they are not terrorists, but genocidal monsters. Genocidal monsters most often call themselves "liberators."
Morally immature
If violence does not occur repeatedly, it is usually an unfortunate coincidence or an excess
on the part of people who are very morally immature.
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Terrorism in BDM
yes it exists >>> 特Daggerion愛 <<< its name
Before I describe the terrorist practices of the Rocking Horse,
who can be found in BDM under the alias 特Daggerion愛 , it is desirable to state the following:
You undoubtedly understand that Pearl Abyss Corp.,
the creator and operator of the digital game Black Desert Mobile, does not have
the most advanced Russian computer technology.
The advanced computer technologies from another world that allow the operation of the BDM game
have a whole range of additional functions and options for monitoring and careful analysis of all events
on the servers on which the BDM game is operated.
It seems extremely unlikely that Pearl Abyss Corp. would not know about
the long-term extensive terrorist activities
of the user who appears in BDM under the alias 特Daggerion愛.
Am I really wrong?
What do you say, gentlemen?
Are you still unaware of the repeated terrorism in BDM,
or have the responsible colleagues failed to inform you in time for 3/4 of a year, maybe more?
A player was recently banned from BDM, among other things for repeatedly exploiting positive price differences in trading. If it was a game bug, then the one who made the bug should be banned, not the player who knows how to count. I believe that the BDM administrators are undoubtedly wise, fair, and the case was more complicated than it seems at first glance: BAN
I also discovered one advantage in BDM. Almost perpetual motion. Almost. (One try in 10-20?) Should I report it somewhere so I don't get banned? How do I know if it's the author's fault or not, or if it's a trap?
The Guild system in BDM is described here: Guild
In my opinion, it's a great idea, proper Guild management is very demanding,
communication with 50 Guild members is also very difficult.
Nevertheless, it sometimes works out and some members of your guild will help you or each other sometimes.
But mostly everyone plays primarily for themselves.
Outlaw Zone
The Outlaw Zone system in BDM is described here: Outlaw Zone or Outlaw Zone It has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's not completely without rules,
as the name of the zone might suggest.
Different players understand the term without rules differently. Traditionally, cowardly, brutal, bloodthirsty Russians* translate Outlaw as death, kill, destroy and behave accordingly. No surprise.
*not 100% some are different
More civilized nations see the Outlaw Zone as a more profitable investment with a lower level of risk.
Reasonable people can understand what they would gain if they constantly killed each other.
Therefore, most conflicts in the Outlaw Zone are random
and mainly concern the seizure of a specific territory, nothing personal.
It is said that any rule or system can be
abused for personal gain.
There is a player in BDM named 特Daggerion愛
who has been repeatedly exploiting the flaws of the BDM game system
to his advantage for a long time,
specifically the combination of the Guild and Outlaw Zone systems.
特Daggerion愛's strategy:
1. Create a terrorist guild Blowit -> so I can declare wars 2. The guild will have member count #1 -> Rocking horse that bites 3. Intentionally get killed -> in the Outlaw Zone 4. Find out which -> guild it is (after being killed) 5. Declare war on the guild -> that suits my goal 6. Collect rewards from Pearl Abyss Corp. -> for my victorious terrorism
As of today, 2025-01-30, this is the 71st act of terrorism ->
I practice my insidious form of terrorism repeatedly, with one goal ->
to harm BDM and everyone who plays BDM.
There is nothing clever or ingenious about it.
It is just as monstrous as shooting people at a concert or in a playground full of children.
You almost always hit, but it's very difficult to stop you.
If you have any doubts, you can see for yourself the monstrous terrorist activities
of the Rocking Horse that Bites -> under the nickname 特Daggerion愛
at the following website:
Just click on the icon with the shield and magnifying glass,
do not type Blowit in the bottom line of "Search Guild Wars"
I will add statistics of all recorded terrorist activities of the Rocking Horse that Bites
in a moment