[Black Desert Mobile Guide] Guide for Beginner from lv up, Maximize CP gain, and Obtaining Knowledge
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Hello Adventurer!

I hope this guide will help your leveling, progressing your character CP and Obtaining Object Knowledge. This is my first time creating

a game guide so I’m sorry if it is hard to understand. Hope you enjoy it. 

i. Choose a character class that you desire.



For me choosing my main character will be the first issue in the early game XD. Why ? because if you play with a character class

that you don’t like, I’m pretty sure in the mid-game you will get bored nor have the intention to play the game anymore.

So here is the class that available right now

 - Giant

 - Witch

 - Warrior

 - Valkyrie

 - Ranger

To make it short, you can surf on the internet by searching videos about how those class gameplay work. If you ask me which class

that recommended for beginner and easy to play, that’s gonna be Witch and Ranger the answer.


ii. Complete the Main Quest and Taking Knowledge



You will realize right away that Main Quest is essential for Black Desert Mobile. Doing Main Quest will awake your Black Spirit

and allowing you to equip higher tier equipment. When doing the Main Quest I suggest you also do the Side Quest

(you can ignore the repeatable quest) and while taking the Main Quest and Side Quest, I also recommend you taking

the knowledge that visible on the map.


Before continuing this topic, firstly I will introduce you to the knowledge system.



The knowledge system is one from many Black Desert features, when you acquiring the knowledge you will gain some

CP/worker exp/gathering exp etc, this will depend on what kind of knowledge you get. In this game, knowledge is divided

into 4 from how to obtain it.


1. Talk with NPC



2. Kill Monster



3. Interaction with object knowledge (Object with knowledge icon on it)



4. Acquired from Quest (Usually from Main Quest, don’t worry)




For me when I’m doing main Quest and Side Quest, before leaving those map I will talk to all NPC that has a knowledge Icon.

You can check on the NPC list to make it easier.



After acquiring NPC knowledge on that map, I’ll go collecting Monster knowledge by grinding there. You can check monster

knowledge that not yet acquired by tapping on the scroll with a magnifying glass icon located on the right side of the map

and you can also check on the world map on monster knowledge clear percentage.



Some monster knowledge is hard to acquire but it will be worth and nothing to lose for you to grind there until you get the

knowledge. In my case, I often finish all quests on that map and the main quest already told me to go to the next map but I

still grind there for acquiring monster knowledge sake :P


IGN: Merak, Server Chalpeon, Region Asia

Adventurer's fame code: 2A1X4HEDJMW2

Guild DeathKnight

2020-01-10 12:41
# 2

iii. Maximizing CP gain.



When you Stuck with you CP (Combat Point) I hope this Dropdown point will help you, my fellow adventurer.

a. Increasing your character level and Skill level

Findspot for grinding, and if on those maps have repeatable quest please take it because there is nothing to lose :* here some

spot that you can try and consider to grind there

 - CP 1500-1700 Bree Tree Ruins
 - CP 1600-1800 Forsaken Land

 - CP 1700-1900 Quint Hill (High Prices Mats)
 - CP 1800-2000 Quarry Cave (Drop more Mats)
 - CP 1900-2100 Saunil Camp (Better Drop Black Stone)
 - CP 2000-2200 Catfishman Camp
 - CP 2200-2400 Rhutum Outstation
 - CP 2400-2600 Mansha Forest
 - CP 2500-2800 Shrine (more drop rate)
 - CP 2500–3000 Hidden Monastery
 - CP 3000-3200 Witch (good drop rate & have repeatable quest)

special map:

 - Cron castle entrance CP 2900-3200
 - Cron castle patrol CP 3100-3300
 - Cron Castle (Class with healing skill) CP 3300-3600
 - (Class without healing skill) CP 3400-3600


For South Mediah grind area I’m not listing nor search for the reference yet sorry ._.
Doing the Boss rush and Ancient ruins will also help.


b. Upgrading Camp



If I remember correctly, there is some knowledge or achievement that will increase your CP slightly when upgrading camp.

But regardless of upgrading camp will give you some CP or not, Upgrading camp is essential for your character progress.

The more advance you upgrade your camp and building, the more workers you can hire, and the more features you can use.

For example, when you have more workers it means you will have more resources that you can get. It will help you with money

and character progression.



Tips for me, Hire only green and blue workers first until you get the maximum worker you can hire. Why? Because hiring purple

or Yellow workers will need more contribution points. But if you have plenty of leftover contribution points, it's up to you to get

a better tier worker.


c. Upgrading your gear



Right now, purple equipment is pretty cheap to get. Advice from me, when you already unlocked black spirit awakened 3, just

go straight to the market and buy purple equipment that fits your class. It’s alright to enhance that equipment to the max

enhance because you can just transfer enhancement to the upper-tier :*


d. Gathering, Logging, and Mining



Use your stamina wisely for gathering, logging, and mining. Maybe you will consider life skills are pretty useless since you

already had a worker to do the job, but actually, by doing life skill you can craft a costume and even get the seasonal costume

by fusing it. Do Gathering to get Breath of Creation (main material for crafting Outfit Costume) and Do the Logging or Mining

to get Breath of Life (main material for crafting Weapon Costume).



By fusing 2 costumes (any class) you have a chance to get Seasonal Costume with minimum AP +16 and DP +16 and maximum

AP +25 and DP +25. Don’t worry fusing outfit isn’t as hard as you imagine. Yes, it can be failed too. But don’t be afraid even if it

fails you will only lose 1 costume. A lot of players already got seasonal outfits by fusing it (not the best stat though XD).


e. Always Do the Black Spirit Quest



Not adding any CP tho, but the reward can help you to progress upgrading CP.


f. Enhancing your Gear



In my case, I enhance my gear from +1 to +20 using 70% success rate enchantment, and for +20 to +30 using 80% success

rate enchantment. At this point, I will let you decide on yourself because it really depends on your RNG luck -_-. 

On the BDM Forum, someone once said, “In the BDM there is only two success rate that worth to enhance your gear, once

enhance your gear using 10% success rate and the other enhance your gear using 100% success rate” and I totally agree with

those opinions. 

The reason why I agree with those opinions, because my friend failed to enhance her weapon using success rate 98% *sad*.

If you ask me do enhance 10% really work? Yes, It’s work. Luckily I can taste-enhancing using a 10% success rate 6 times XD.

Once again it really depends on your luck. If you don’t want to gamble I advise you to enhance at 100% only.


g. Feeding your Black Spirit



Don’t sell your white/green/blue/purple equipment, instead of selling it better you feed it to your Black Spirit. The higher

the level of your Black Spirit the more CP you will get.


h. Equipping Lightstone



In the early game, it's better for you to use any kind of Lightstone as long as it can help you to progress your character.

But at some point, you will be stuck for a while at using purple Lightstone. My only advice is, don’t extract your Lightstone

if it is not the yellow grade or orange grade, and you must only extract Lightstone if it’s really needed

(you will always get Lightstone by the way -_-).


i. Always Grind using Black Spirit Mode If you want to go offline



Black Desert Mobile provides you a feature for grinding in offline mode, by emptying your bag and bringing some potion

you can go to your grinding spot and turn on your black spirit mode under the Main menu option. This feature unlocked

when you defeat Giath boss on the Main Quest (if I'm not mistaken). 



IGN: Merak, Server Chalpeon, Region Asia

Adventurer's fame code: 2A1X4HEDJMW2

Guild DeathKnight

2020-01-10 12:41
# 3

iv. Obtaining Hidden/Object Knowledge



In this guide point, I will show you where the available hidden/object knowledge that you can get and what kind of knowledge

is that.


1. Balenos Region


a. Velia



Knowledge Adventure

Seasoned Fish
Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



Velia Pier

Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



Ritual for Calmer Waters

Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



Crio and the Seagulls

Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



A Mysterious Bounty

Worker Vitality: 1



Eileen's Research

Forage EXP Gain: 1%



Wagon Explosion Incident

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



Goblin Worker

Worker Dexterity: 1



Bartali's Odd Adventures

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



Clorince's Kindness

Forage EXP Gain: 1%



Claire Arryn's Worries

Defense: 1



Mariana's Kittens

Max HP: 2



Knowledge Academics


Wall Climbing

Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



Age of Trade

Worker Strength: 1



Legendary Alchemist, Alustin

Worker Dexterity: 1



Artemis, Literary Genius

Max HP: 2



Velian Specialty

Worker Vitality: 1



b. Velia Farmlands



Knowledge Adventure



Worker Vitality: 1



Knowledge Academics


Can Monsters be Controlled?

Worker Strength: 1



A Velian Epic

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



c. Altar of Agris



Knowledge Adventure


Red Nose, the Sad Little Imp

Worker Dexterity: 1



d. Western Guard Camp



Knowledge Adventure


Loyal Subject Banished

Mining EXP Gain: 1%



Harsh Conditions at the Camp

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



Life of the Ancients

Worker Strength: 1



A Monster for a Monster

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



Cliff's Successor?

Worker Dexterity: 1



Knowledge Academics


Life of a Leader

Fishing EXP Gain: 1%



Serendia, a Glorious Past

Max HP: 2



Cliff the Old Timer

Defense: 1



Dim Tree Spirit

Max HP: 2



e. Ancient Stone Chamber



Knowledge Adventure


Ancient Treasure Hunters

Worker Dexterity: 1



Giant Guardians of the Ancients

Logging EXP Gain: 1%



Knowledge Academics


Achieving Immortality

Worker Strength: 1



Legend of Edana

Worker Dexterity: 1



On Experience and Enlightenment

Max HP: 2



Quests on Knowledge

Talk to the NPC and follow the quest.


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e. Ehwaz Hill



Knowledge Adventure


The Fall of Cron Castle

Worker Strength: 1



e. Forest of Plunder



Knowledge Adventure


Enormous Goblin Stone

Worker Strength: 1



Goblins and the Black Rock

Worker Strength: 1



e. Cron Castle Entrance (Minimum CP 2900)


If your CP is under 2900 it's better to skip this knowledge until you have the required CP or either way it's gonna be full of pain and potion XD



Knowledge Adventure


Tragedy in Balenos

Max HP: 2



e. Cron Castle Patrol (Minimum CP 2900)



Knowledge Adventure


The God of Darkness, Hadum

Attack: 1



Bartoli III and Capgras, I

Attack: 1



Bartali III and Caphras, II

Forage EXP Gain: 1%



e. Cron Castle Patrol (Minimum CP 2900)




I don't have the detail about what bonus you'll get from taking this knowledge

(Sorry the Screenshot has a volume bar captured *ROM bug* -_- need restarting phone :v )



IGN: Merak, Server Chalpeon, Region Asia

Adventurer's fame code: 2A1X4HEDJMW2

Guild DeathKnight

2020-01-10 12:42
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2. Serendia Region


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