Land of the Morning Light Strategy
# 1
Server: Europe
Family Name: Beskar66

Black Shrine basic guide

Before we start the challenge there are some preparations we need to do:

- Pick a right class
- Get potions and meals
- Energy management
- Order

As u probably know picking a right class for the job is crucial. Some classes is BDM perform much better than others in end game PVE content for example Elite Ator Trials and same applies to Black Shrine bosses. You can clear the content with probably any class depends on your CP and skills, but there are some who perform just better without the “try hard”.
So 1st tip from me would be to pick a class with high boss damage output, who also have multiple Forward Guard and/or Invincibility skills. In current meta my recommendations would be either Choryeong or Berserker. Why? Choryeong has currently probably the highest boss damage output. Her forward guard skill - Blooming Death - is very long and has 2 charges, Perilous Waltz has invincibility and can be use 2 times, also her movement skill - Absolute Butterfly Step, which can be used up to 4 times, has invincibility. With that arsenal its realy hard to fail ☺ And what about Zerk? Currently most broken class, super-fast skills with high damage, lots of forward guards even heal and cd reductions in passive. Just a nobrainer ☺

*Potions and meals*
In Land of the Morning Light and also in Black Shrine Boss encounters we are not allowed to use standard X-Large or Jumbo HP potions, even treasures: Foretta’s Blessed Potion and Ornette’s Blessed Potion won’t work. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean we can’t use anything to heal ourselves.
Medicinal Herbs Tea is what u need to keep your HP at max. It recovers 3,5% HP, which is actually better than the standard potions, and can be bought for 1000 silver from merchants in Land of the Morning Light towns, for example from Wolim in Nampo’s Moodle Village. I’d recommend to set your potion Auto-use to 90% HP and high grade. You can change this in Settings menu under Convenience bar.
You can also buy meals there that recover HP, for example Moodle Gukbap (recovers 3000 HP, cd: 50 sec) but I’d recommend to craft them yourself from cooking menu. Meat Roll-Ups recover 10000 HP with cd of 50 sec, which is over 3 times more than the ones you can buy from vendors. When you craft them you have also a chance to get Special Meat Roll-Ups that recover 11000 HP with 45 sec cd. Having those in your inventory will make any boss encounter much easier. Similar to potions you can set the Auto-use in Settings -> Convenience menu. It is located just under potions. Make sure to turn it ON. My recommendation here would be either 50% or 70% and high grade.

Energy is a system designed to help you with Black Shrine bosses. You can find it in Land of the morning light -> Black Shrine menu on the right side – Manage Energy.
There are 6 skills u can invest your energy points:
- Increase AP (0 to 10 energy points) each lvl gives +1000 AP, max 10000 AP
- Increase DP (0 to 10 energy points) each lvl gives +1000 DP, max 10000 DP
- Increase Max HP (0 to 10 energy points) each lvl gives +3000 Max HP, max 30000 Max HP
- Reduce Evasion Cooldown (0 to 5 energy points) each lvl -0,3 sec, max -1,5 sec
- Recover HP when attacking (0 to 5 energy points) each lvl 0,7%, max 3,5% HP recovery
- Revive (0 to 3 energy points) revive instantly with 10%, 55% or 100% of max HP upon death
You can have max of 10 Energy points, you can distribute them freely and can reset them any time using 100 stamina. How to get them? It's simple. Defeating any boss in any difficulty grants you 1 energy point so need to clear max of 10 challenges. At start I would recommend to clear all 4 bosses difficulty level 1 and 2 which would give you 8 energy points. 2 more u can get by clearing lvl 3 of the bosses you find easiest. Level 1 and 2 shouldn’t be a real challenge even for new players, so start with them to prepare for more difficult encounters.
This system also makes possible for new adventures to participate. Why? Well the content is design in a way that when entering boss challenge only 10% of your CP is in use. In my case with 57,6 k CP having 29,3k AP and 28,3k DP only 2,9k AP and 2,8k DP will be in use. New adventurers who finished season will have for example 36k CP so let’s say 18k AP and 18k DP. The difference may seem huge but in Black Shrine it will be 1,8k AP and 1,8k DP. That just makes 1k difference thou someone can say it’s still 30%! Yes that’s true, but that’s why the energy system exist. For example adding 5 point to AP and 5 point to DP, veteran will have 7,9 k AP and 7,8 k DP while new player 6,8 k AP and 6,8k DP. Difference now is not that huge anymore right? So what to invest the energy in? Well that depends from everyone personally. My recommendation would be +3 in AP and +7 in DP . With this setup I finished all bosses all difficulties including level 5, and only Bari took more than 1 try ☺ . But it realy is up to you.

So what boss to start with? As previously mentioned, I’d recommend to start with level 1 and 2 of all bosses to gather as many energy points as possible and make the higher levels easier. Levels 1 and 2 shouldn’t be too hard even for new adventurers, also level 3 shouldn’t give much problems for those who know the class they playing. The real challenge starts with levels 4 and 5. That’s why I’d recommend to do those levels for the boss that aura in current week is weakened. Each from 4 current bosses have their own aura assigned. For Bari and Songakshi its Moon, Golden Pig King – Sun, and Gumiho – Earth. Every week at Monday reset weakened aura changes, and it makes the bosses under its influence easier to deal with, so aim for the boss in its weakened state. ☺

Good luck everyone, and I wish PA would add more PVE content like this in the future.

2023-10-10 15:09