Family Name: Am一blvd
Server: Asia
1.) Complete the Everfrost Story.
• You can get Citron Tea along the way
2.) Open the Whole Map and All the Broken altars.
• Check the map for your reference to unlock all the Villages and Altars.
3.) Finish the Mercenary Board Task every week.
• Pick the easiest task to finish, Conserve your the Citron Tea as much as possible.
For example I rather Accept the x5 Excavate instead of Defeat monster x1000. (See the Figure Below)
• If the Excavation is not an option and you need to finish the mercenary board immediately, Consider to Defeat White Name Monsters scatter in the map. Example: Elk and Gray Wolfs (See the Figure Below)
4.) Check the countdown timer and Attend to Elion Defense Every Week.
5.) Finish all the Everfrost Collection.
6.) Find All the Everfrost Knowledge.
• Go to Knowledge>>>Challege for the clue and reference.
7.) Farming
Use your Citron Tea in hunting the maindrop items.
• Check the monster drop first.
• Farm to the target Location.
• Buy Flute of Unity for drop rate 100% increase while Farming.
• Hunt for the main drop items specially for Eternal Accesories, Dread Winter heart, Voidsent Eye, Pink and Red Imprints.
(See the Figure Below)