Everfrost & Guardian Strategy
# 1

Hi I would like to give you guys some tips and tricks for this new Region called the "EVERFROST".


After playing this new region for couple of hours I began to understand couple things. In short, this is just another farming region. An open world Farming Region. Unlike other region which are isolated in a specific map.


What is Everfrost?

Everfrost is the new Open World Region, similar to the Great Ocean, and the Great Desert which can only be played Above 39K CP beside Drieghan on the World Map.


- You might think this is like the Great Desert, in reality it is not. The thing that's similar to the Great Desert is just the Open World feature, you can explore the map anywhere you like.

- This map act as another new Farming Region. Which you need to spend "Citron Tea" to farm there. Think of it as like Hadum/Chaos Map, in which you are farming with your Holy Vial of Light. That's Everfrost for you. Citron Tea is the fuel to farm just like Holy Vial of Light.

- The purpose to Farm in this region Currently is to get the Eternal Accessory(Possibly Eternal Equipment in the Future update). 


A Comparison to the Great Desert

In Great Desert you have lots of feature, including Black Rock Shrine, Desert Temple, Laytenn, Black Rock Altar, Excavation, etc. You are basically exploring the vast Desert while you're finishing the quest. In Great Desert you can farm Edana Coins, to progress your CP through the Black Rock Shrine with many items including the Chaos Crystal. You can even get into the Desert Temple, obtain Ancient Ator ticket to also increase CP.

In Everfrost however, you have neither of those. You only have the Eilton Defense, Excavation, and Erebjork(Similar to Laytenn). What you're doing is just farming till your Citron Tea runs out, hoping to get the materials to craft the Eternal Accesories. 


That's the difference, quite big for now. In terms of "Fun" I'd say for now, Great Desert is more fun than Everfrost. The exploration in finding temples and Black Rock Shrine is pretty solid. As an Open World Map there should be an exploration feature other than Excavation. Hope they will add more feature.

Eilton Defense

Eilton Defense is another new game mode. You are playing with other players defending an attack from enemies. It's a PvE content. Quite fun. But unfortunately can only enter 1 per week. Eilton Defense will spawn several times on the week, but you can only enter 1 time in that week. In here you will get Voidsent Eye, it is the material to craft the Eternal Accessories.


So here are the list of tips and tricks on how to play the new Region:

1. There's a new Story Quest on the Story Tab called "Everfrost" there are 5 of those. I reccomend you complete all of those 5 quest before you venture exploring the mountain. Not only the reward is good, you get to explore the mountain while doing the quest.

2. There's NPC that will give you a free Voidsent Eye each week if you complete his quest. The NPC is called "Baturnil" it is located in the Snowstorm Guard Post. On the right corner side of the Everfrost Map. 

3. The enemy in this region is quite tricky. No matter how many or low is your CP. it seems that your attack won't affect the enemy at all. That being said, you need to kill the enemy like 3-4 hit skills. Some other players have tried even me, You can even farm in 60K Enemies and you are able to kill them in 3-4 hits. Your CP only affect your defense against the enemy, if your CP is low and you got hit. You are most likely be dead.

4. The Erebjork is like Black Rock Shrine Scroll. She can only be summon if someone has the Dreadwinter Heart. And if you kill it you will get good items. Then again, we don't know when. Depends on RNG.

5. On the 2nd Tips and tricks. You need to give a "Fried Crystal Smelt" it is a new cooking food. It needs "Smelt Fillets", and to get it you need "Crystal Smelt". Crystal Smelt is a new fish which you can only obtain it through Ice Fishing. Ice Fishing is another fishing located in the Everfrost Region. Look for fish icon in the map and you will be able to fish in there.

6. This region also has similar to Bounty Mission. It is a Mercenary Mission Board. Finishing this Mercenary Mission, is quite optional, you can finish it or not that's up to you. Although it doesn't give much reward, it is 3 mission per week.

7. So what to do in Everfrost with the Citron Tea? You just need to find a good spot that is suitable for you. I suggest you check every monster in the map. Sometimes they drop something that you need. Then you can farm there until your Citron Tea runs out. Do not worry, as they will give you free Citron Tea every day for 20 minutes.

8. There is also excavation in the region. you can excavate just like what you do in the Great Desert. We also have Collection, most items needed from excavation make sure to excavate and complete the collection set to increase CP.

9. At first the map will be all foggy that's because you haven't unlocked them all. How to unlock? You just have to go to the Question Mark Icon on the map. once you go there, search for altar and get close to it, once you do you will unlock that altar so you can travel faster in the region. Once you do, couple of the foggy map will be gone and will reveal more location do the same with the other Question Mark location.


Thank you! Hope you guys could learn something >.<

Family Name: MælstromArt

Server: ASIA/Hexe

2023-07-01 10:01