Become the Strategy Master
# 1

Family Name : 一丨рциlëн丨一

Server : Asia



Hello everyone!


Everything I discuss here will generally have a very small impact on gameplay, but could be the difference between winning and losing an arena match or getting hundreds of thousands more kills while farming over an extended period of time. That being said, I want to share my findings regarding the mechanics of the various branch damage types and which types of skills benefit the most from each branch.


Aal - skills that hit once with no multiplier, ex. 1400% 

When damage is calculated off of a flat value, Aal simply increases the damage.


Labreve - skills that hit once with a multiplier, ex. 531.2%x4 but Labreve is less dps than Ahib

When damage is calculated with a multiplier, it will only count as a single "hit" on the target, but each segment of the multiplier has a separate chance to crit. Therefore, increasing the critical hit chance with Labreve is optimal.


Ahib - skills that hit once with a multiplier, ex. 531.2%x4 and hit multiple times, ex. 1. 432.85%x2 max 2 attacks

I thought it would only apply once for skills that do damage with a multiplier, i.e. "500%x3 per hit," but it is calculated based on the multiplier, so it can apply up to 3 times in that example and i did some testing that confirmed it is the best branch for long term dps.Anything over 1 it is also technically the best for long term damage even on 1 hit skills, but it is less consistent than Aal and Labreve.


Serrett -skills that hit once with charges for Recover 1.5% HP and extra target optional use for farming or mass pvp

This branch is most useful in contexts where your adventurer will be taking on many targets and recover 1.5% HP at once.



Because the optimal option is not always available for certain skills, here is a list ranking the effectivity of each branch under each type of skill:


Skills that hit once

1. Aal

2. Labreve

3. Ahib



Skills with a multiplier 

1. Ahib

2. Labreve

3. Aal



Skills with multiple attacks

1. Ahib

2. Labreve

3. Aal



Skills with charges




Tip Raven OP Class

Raven class can be used full Serrett 3 skills equal to 5 charges. One charges is recover 1.5% HP and extra target.

ex1. Max HP 40000*0.015 = recover 600 HP /charges and add one target.




ex2. Video on my channel Punleh빨리 full serrett with Raven class - Twisted Nightmare IV.


2022-12-12 00:04
# 2
Deleted by the writer.