Twilight Hunt: Hunting Strategy
# 1

Family Name: Cairalyn27

Server: Amerika - Mediah


If you are looking for Fast Kill mobs and farming character.. Especially by getting points in BLACK SUN. one of my suggestions is ARCHAMGE



1st let's take a look at the Skills that are Good to be used in ARCHMAGE class.

1st things we need to consider is the skills that NOT moving on the SPOT.. and that's skill more they have is ARCH MAGE. one of the CLASS that ALWAYS Stay on the SPOT but WIDE RANGE SKILl around the mobs.


2nd also we consider the Skills that have "AAL, SERRETT, LABREVE, AHIB" because those skills have additional damage % "as long as u have additional stats that equips on your gear like (RELICS) and (CRYSTAL)" 

NOTE: SERRETT - is one element that give also additional MOB target. this one also good in farming. but there are several class that have MORE SERRET skills and LESS SERRETT SKILLS.. SERRET also GOOD in PATH OF GLORY. and GVG. NODE WAR. SIEGE WAR. that have lots of PLAYERS to TARGET..not sure but maybe SERRETT element is Good for MAIN ALTS character using PATH OF GLORY to hit more mobs. but for my MAIN CHARACTER.. i didnt use SERRETT main Element.


3rd also we consider Skills that has LESS CASTING time.. we know Meteor Shower skills is Powerful but we didnt use it usually on MOBS.. we use it on BOSS or a  PVP.. but the mobs at easily die. we dont need skill that powerful damage but Cast is too LONG. this, give additional time for defeating mobs.



also we have to check the SPOT MAP. always pick the spot that you are at the CENTER around the mobs. and MORE MOBS

NOTE: also use Skills that give you an HP regen like Firigd Fog that gives alteast 100HP every sec. because if it's NOT.. and the mobs will hit you everytime.

your potion will always be used and get die. when the potion is empty..


(GEAR CRYSTAL "MEMORY IMPLANT" with HP regen Per Hit also one Good choice in farming) 



NEXT things we consider in Hunting / Farming is the FOODS



1st is you can BUY chicken soup MAX of 4 PER DAY only using 1 Black Pearl.. its Cheap. but this Chicken Soup give you 3 Hours of 50% exp and 5% Drop Rate and 500 Storage weight.

and in addition. there is SPECIAL CHICKEN SOUP. that give SAME Stats of Farming and Exp. but DIFFERENT in Weight because its 750.

Question: is it better to use both? i it counted as different buffs or the Same?

ANSWER is: YES better use both.



as you can see. after using those foods. you see the GIFT ICON colored Yellow and Orange. after clicking this. you see the remaining time of buffs.

those buffs if you use 2 of them give a 10% Drop rate. and 100% Exp Rate. also, give 500+750 Weight = 1250.


but the difference is. Special Soup is you can buy it using WHITE PEARL.. with 3 per pcs. but without limited items to buy... 

( BUT DO NOT WORRY. PA is always GENTLE in Event.. they always give LOTS of ITEMS in FREE. especially those Special Soup ) so either you are F2P or P2W, you will get it.



Okey.. The next thing important about farming is the DROP RATE of MAPS and MOBS.

( NOTE: ofcause make sure that YOUR CP level is higher than the CP MOBS. you u can peacefully farm without DYING.. as long as the COLOR of TEXT Number of CP mobs is WHITE and GREEN. you are SAFE to farm.. but when it becomes ORANGE. It's kind of Hurt and eats more Potion. and when it RED. you will Die Soon )



in RATES.. as the STANDARD Coloring PATTERN in Black Desert.

WHITE is always the LOWEST RAGE... White>GREEN>YELLOW>ORANGE>RED>PINK.. and so on.

this Color is also used in the Class Rate of GEARS, DROPS, PETS, etc.

as you can see. The WHITE color text of RATE is one Standard additional Drop rate. this means they have Additional Drop rates. but LOWER % and if you see the GREEN Color text.. this means.. MORE % of RATE.

( BUT NOTE: RNG is a MASS on Special items ) even if they have those % rate colors.. your account RN will always give u a Bless to drop Those Rare.


in Additional: VIOLENT MOBS - those mobs are always in RED NAMES. and kinda STARS not a DOTS on the Mobs MAPS.. if you found it its drop always even Spoiled drop is Cooldown also have a higher chance to drop rates.. so if your Spot has a higher chance to appear in those VIOLENT mobs. you have a higher chance to get Rare items.




NEXT! is the Alchemy Stones.. we have Lots of Alchemy Stones to equip.. one of them are Alchemy Stone that has More Damage on Normal or Mobs Enemies.


but for me.. i only use 2 Alchemy Stone.


What's the difference?


Stone of Luck gives Spoil Drop Rate +% depending on the Ups of alche and gives Spoil Droop Cooldown -%

why is Spoil Drop Cooldown Reduction Negative? because especially in Hadum. the Drop Rate in Hadum map. Spoil didn't Drop continuously when you kill the mob.

they have some sort of delay before they Drop the spoil. so if you have Stone of Luck equipment. It reduces the Cooldown of Spoil to Drop every Sec.

for example, for 100 sec every time spoil will Drop. if you have Stone of Luck equip +9. It reduces the cooldown. and make it 79 sec before spoil was dropped.



in classing ONLINE game.. LOOTS are MANUALLY picked by our characters.

but in Modern Mobile games like Black Desert. they reduce the hassle and it's automatically picked by PETS

(NOTE: You have to equip the PETS. you can manually pick SPOIL. but it's MUCH BETTER if your pet will do the job. 

also, make sure your Pet is FULL and being FEED. if they are HUNGRY. they didn't pick the Spoil.

also, pets have cooldown time for picking Spoil. the higher level of Pets.. is the Lowest time of Picking.. also not making Hungry faster.

in additional. pets have different Stats )


We also have 2 instances the Elion and Hadum. but most of the players as long as they have "HOLY VIAL of LIGHT" can farm in hadum


What's the difference from Hadum and Elions? Elions don't have Cooldown Spoil loots on Mobs.. but those loots are easily OVER WEIGHT.

and you can't FARM AFK on Elions maps. your character will get OVER WEIGHT. and receive more DAMAGE on MOBS when OVER WEIGHT. and get DIE.

about Settings on Tier Rate of Hadum..

if you put 1 - its gives 50% exp and knowledge. but SAME Spoil

even in Tier 2 gives 200% both knowledge and Exp and Tier 3 is 500% it's always the same Drop rate of Spoil.


So NOTE: if you have a New character that wants to LEVEL UP faster. use the TIER 3 500% exp in Hadum map. also, use the (LEADER BLESSING 3Hrs) for an additional 500% exp rate. it's like 1 to 2 Hrs your character will make level 70, 

that item will get by buying into the special shop or FREE from PA events.. we know PEARL ABBYS is one of the BEST giver items in every event.. so F2P will enjoy every single Free item from them.


also NOTE: if there are additional MAPS. that need to Gain Knowledge.. better use TIER 3 500% knowledge exp. you know knowledge on Mobs give additional stats that make your character gain CP boost.


and the last is the Critical Stone. i know Soon those alche Equips will be combined in just ONE STONE.. so it will not hassle to equip different stones by Farming and PVPs but as of now that it's not yet implemented. Critical Stone I used as farming in High CP Mobs but has Better Rates.. because its gives MORE CP on Player.. also gives Critical chance and Critical Damage..


But in my Finale Words.

- RARE items is RNGs.. no matter what Stone you used. if its RARE. its RARELY DROP.  based on my Exp.. i use luck Stone for a week. and i use Critical Stone for a week.. sometimes i have More RARE Items to get on Critical Stone than Luck Stone. maybe because the mobs has easily die. because LUCK stone only reduces the spoil cooldown and drop rates of other items and does not give a high rate for rare... Stone of luck give you more LOOTS. but didn't give you a RARE one. also when i farm on easily die mobs like LOWER CP mobs.. its get more chance to get rare.. but like i said.. we are talking about RARE items.. like AKRAD and JEWELs. etc.. in the end, """"ITS ALL ABOUT RNG's about those RARE items.""""



2022-07-17 13:10